Bano & Waterland

Spreading Bano’s mission of ageing in dignity to new markets

Bano’s innovative bathroom solutions for nursing homes have taken Norway by storm. Thanks to unique products, nursing home residents require less assistance to go about their daily activities, translating to a more independent and dignified life, but also lower stress for care staff and lower cost for the nursing home operator. Following the success in the institutional market in Norway, Bano owner, Roy Elsayed, and Waterland saw a significant opportunity in expanding Bano’s reach into new markets, and support more people to grow old in dignity.

Entering new markets through buy & build

The management and owners of Bano saw Waterland as the perfect partner to accelerate Bano’s expansion outside its home market of Norwegian nursing homes. Jointly, we developed the strategy to introduce Bano products in new countries, and to individuals at home, creating a residential unit.

Doing this organically, however, would take valuable time, including defining a go to market plan, finding and recruiting the right sales team, adapting the product to local needs, handling physical distribution and establishing the right network of stakeholders at all levels (architects, project developers, financiers and operators).

This is where Waterland’s buy & build expertise proved invaluable. Through extensive market mapping, proactive outreach and quick execution, Bano was able to acquire 3 homecare companies in its first year of partnership with Waterland, of which one in a new geography.

Preparing the company for growth

A strategic shift to new market segments is not an obvious move, and requires new ways of working for a company’s management team. Thanks to its track record of over 950 investment in over 100 markets, Waterland was able to support Bano in preparing for this expansion and handling the integration of the acquired companies, including implementing scalable back-office systems, defining a new group management structure, rebranding into a single corporate identity and aligning incentives.

“Waterland offers a unique combination of strategic insights and operational depth. They make you consider an ambitious long-term future that goes far beyond the plans the company can reach stand-alone, while also offering support in actually implementing this strategy from a day-to-day perspective.”

Roy Elsayed, Founder of Bano

Get in touch!

Do you recognize the desire to bring your company to new horizons, and spread your mission to more customers or users than would be possible with the current resources? Don’t hesitate to reach out for a sparring session on the opportunities for accelerated growth – Waterland’s team specializes in analyzing and presenting the possibility space for a business outside of the ordinary course, backed by hands-on experience of accelerated growth in over 100 markets.